Colors and Motifs: The Exquisite Berhampuri Patta Saree

2023-06-22 | 01:23h
2023-06-22 | 01:23h
Know Your Handloom, Sarees, Weaves
Colors and Motifs: The Exquisite Berhampuri Patta Saree

Unearthing the Origins: A Glimpse into the History of Berhampuri Patta Saree

Berhampuri Saree, steeped in tradition and elegance, traces its roots back 200 years. This exquisite knitting pattern emerged in the 14th century, introduced by the Mohuri King, who ruled over the Mohuri kingdom nestled between the Rushikulya and Bahuda rivers in present-day Odisha, India. Hailing from the silk city of Berhampur, the king fostered a fascination for the art of weaving, giving birth to the famed Berhampuri Patta Saree. He invited skilled weavers, known as Debangas, from Rajahmundry in Andhra Pradesh, who brought with them the intricate weaving techniques that would shape the future of Berhampuri Patta Saree. As the years passed, Berhampuri Patta Saree enchanted people worldwide and became an export marvel to various South Asian countries. Today, these handloom wonders proudly bear the Geographical Indication (GI) tag, a testament to their cultural significance and artistic craftsmanship.

The Artistry of Weaving: Unveiling the Secrets of Berhampuri Patta Saree

Berhampuri Patta Saree exemplifies the epitome of craftsmanship, carried forward through generations. Key to its creation is the throw shuttle pit loom, where two skilled weavers collaborate to weave magic into every thread. The process demands intricate attention to detail and can span up to 20 days for a single saree. The fabric, predominantly silk or cotton, chosen for Berhampuri Patta Saree is renowned for its luxurious texture and durability. Through a meticulous interplay of fine threads, the weavers breathe life into a saree that transcends mere apparel to become a true work of art.

Phoda Kumbha: The Captivating Emblem of Berhampuri Patta Saree

The allure of Berhampuri Patta Saree lies in its iconic Phoda Kumbha design. Phoda Kumbha signifies the temple spires that intricately adorn the fabric, paying homage to the architectural grandeur of Odisha. Weaving these temple motifs into the saree requires meticulous skill and attention. The weavers deftly create the Phoda Kumbha using the throw shuttle pit loom, ensuring precision and visual splendor. Alongside Phoda Kumbha, another popular motif found in Berhampuri Patta Saree is the Badhi Kumbha, crafted through the Ikat technique, adding a captivating zigzag pattern. These elaborate motifs stand as a testament to the weavers’ expertise and their dedication to preserving the artistic traditions of Berhampuri Patta Saree.


A Kaleidoscope of Colors: The Vibrancy of Berhampuri Patta Saree

Berhampuri Patta Saree are renowned for their striking colors, a vibrant symphony that captures the essence of joy and celebration. From bold and vibrant hues to subtle and elegant tones, these sarees showcase a vast spectrum of shades. Red, yellow, and green, traditional colors denoting joy, prosperity, and fertility, frequently grace the canvas of Berhampuri Patta Saree. Carefully selected color combinations enhance the saree’s motifs, elevating its aesthetic appeal. The brilliant palette not only enthralls the eye but also instills a sense of pride in the cultural heritage of Berhampur.

Odissi Dance and Berhampuri Patta Saree: An Inseparable Bond

Beyond its visual allure, Berhampuri Patta Saree occupies a significant place in the realm of Odissi dance, a classical dance form originating from Odisha. The graceful movements of Odissi dancers find perfect harmony with the flowing drape of Berhampuri Patta Saree. The saree’s vibrant colors and intricate designs amplify the visual spectacle of the dance, creating a captivating fusion of art forms. It is an enchanting synergy where the elegance of Odissi dance finds its ideal counterpart in the exquisite beauty of Berhampuri Patta Saree.

Adorned by the Divine: Berhampuri Patta Saree in the Jagannath Temple

Berhampuri Patta Saree carry profound religious significance. These splendid sarees find themselves draped around the idols of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Devi Subhadra in the revered Jagannath temple of Puri, Odisha. This sacred tradition emphasizes the spiritual and cultural reverence associated with Berhampuri Patta Saree. Devotees witness the ethereal beauty of these handcrafted creations as they offer their prayers, infusing an added layer of divinity to the revered idols. It further accentuates the sanctity and authenticity of Berhampuri Patta Saree as a symbol of divine blessings and cultural heritage.

A Global Voyage: Berhampuri Patta Saree’s Reach and Recognition

Over the years, Berhampuri Patta Saree has garnered international acclaim for its remarkable craftsmanship and cultural significance. These handloom sarees, celebrated for their intricate designs and superior quality, have found admirers across the globe. The Geographical Indication (GI) tag safeguards the authenticity and originality of Berhampuri Patta Saree, protecting it from imitations while supporting the livelihoods of the weavers. Today, Berhampuri Patta Saree proudly stands as a testament to the rich Indian handloom heritage, captivating fashion enthusiasts and art connoisseurs alike. Its global popularity reaffirms the enduring allure of traditional craftsmanship and the universal appreciation for the timeless elegance of Berhampuri Patta Saree.


Berhampuri Patta Saree weaves a tapestry of culture and heritage with each meticulously crafted thread. Its historical legacy, breathtaking craftsmanship, iconic designs, and spiritual significance continue to mesmerize and captivate hearts worldwide. From the silk city of Berhampur, these handloom sarees have become a cherished symbol of tradition, artistry, and the cultural heritage of Odisha.



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